
A Collection of Inkle Wisdom

I’m a big fan of Inkle and their work. They’re masters of not just the writing part of the writing, but also the showing part of it. In short, they make reading large amounts of words fun. Amazing.

Talks I’ve Made Notes On:

1. Inkle and UX or notes on the GDC talk: Designing Text UX for Effortless Reading

Everything Else (that I hope to get to making notes on):

Narrative Sorcery: Coherent Storytelling in an Open World

The Burden of Proof Narrative Deduction Mechanics for Detective Games


Creating Interactive Film Scripts for 3D Adventures with Ink

GDC Plays Pendragon with Inkle Studios

Heaven’s Vault: Creating a Dynamic Detective Story

GDC Plays Heaven’s Vault with Jon Ingold and Joseph Humfrey

Ink: The Narrative Scripting Language Behind 80 Days’ and Sorcery!’


Adventures in Text: Innovating in Interactive Fiction


Leading Players Astray 80 Days & Unexpected Stories


A World from Words Highly Interactive Stories with Text


not GDC

Making choices matter in videogames

AdvX 2018 - Jon Ingold - Sparkling Dialogue: A Masterclass

Up next Inkle and UX Masahiro Sakurai - Broad Input, Broad Output
Latest posts The Undead 6 The Undead 5 The Undead 4 The Undead 3 The Undead 2 The Undead 1 The Undead (fan translation) 06 - back to Ren'Py & Concept Art 05 - Changing Engines & Changing Projects 04 - Huzzah for Naninovel Urasawa Naoki - The Lies Mangaka Tell Xian Xie Fate Is... Fate Is 3 Fate Is 2 Masahiro Sakurai - Broad Input, Broad Output A Collection of Inkle Wisdom Inkle and UX 03 - Learning to Move 02 - An Adventure From Ren'Py to Naninovel 01 - Engine Woes Head In The Stars